Friends of Newburyport Trees was available at Olde Fashioned Sunday with educational leaflets about the non-profit's efforts to restore Newburyport's urban forest. Tree shaped lollipops were given away to children after they either answered a tree trivia question correctly, created a poem about a Bartlett Mall tree or chose a tree to hug for a photo.
Cat girl hugs her favorite tree at Bartlett Mall |
Which country has a whole tree displayed on its flag? How much of the U.S is forested? What temperature difference can there be underneath the shade of a tree from the direct sunlight? In what state does the Pacific Yew Tree grow from which the powerful cancer-fighting drug Taxol is collected? Such were the examples of trivia asked of the kids in exchange for a tree-shaped lollipop.
Friends of Newburyport Trees volunteers display Newburyport's Tree City Award while distributing tree-shaped candy to curious kids. |
The rain didn't keep everyone away! Crowds moved in later in the day when the skies cleared. |
Three friends with Tree pops |