Within just a few blocks of each other, in Newburyport's South End there exist some of the oldest and largest trees in the city. They had to be planted over 200 years ago, now nearing the end of their lifespan. I wanted to capture a few of them before their leaves filled in and covered up the magnificence of their gigantic bare limbs, or before they suffered a sudden fate in a catastrophic storm.
Harrison and Water Street |
I think of trees as the lungs of our city. On a much smaller scale, they don't look all that different! One hundred and fifty-seven severely declining trees were removed last year and The National Grid is planning to take down more trees on Ocean Avenue, as well as 43 in Newbury which unfortunately present a hazard to the power lines. Replacing trees is not done on short money and not exactly a quick fix either. But I feel encouraged by the progress slowly being made thanks to the Tree Commission. There is currently a request before City Council to appropriate another ten thousand dollars which would be enough to cover the purchase and planting cost for twenty-five additional street trees this year.
Please like us on our Facebook page, Friends of Newburyport Trees. We will post updates and shout outs for upcoming volunteer needs. Thank you!
Oak Street |
Barton Street |
Bromfield Street |
Bromfield Street |
Purchase Street |
Madison Street |
Marlboro Street |
Other publications by Kim Kudym:
Letters From Apizaco, young adult memoir of experience as high school exchange student living in 1976 Mexico as told through letters home and journal entries
From The Outside, Looking In: Middleton Prison
Walking With Dogs in Greater Newburyport