Friends of Newburyport Trees and the Tree Commission have raised enough funds through grants and donations to purchase and care for 105 new street trees. The planting process is taking longer than expected since many of the designated locations are in concrete sidewalks, requiring personnel and equipment from the DPS to cut holes for the pits. The department is already overextended with the ongoing dune restoration on Plum Island Point, but volunteers from the Tree Commission and FONT are pitching in to get them all in the ground as soon as possible. Trees going into brick sidewalks are taken care of by the vendors. A few of the trees are pictured below. Anyone that has a new tree in front of their home can post a picture on the FONT facebook page or send to me at 978-417-9632. You can also help by filling the gator bags with water at least once weekly.
Red oak at 22 Ferry Rd. |
A Newburyport street tree nearing the end of its life. More than thirty have already been removed to date this year. |
Japanese tree lilac at 376 High St. |
One of two Hornbeams at 372 High St. |
Ironwood at 354 High St. |
One of two serviceberry trees at 320 High St. |
Tree lilacs at 304 High St. |
Sweet gum tree at 283 High St. |
Holes being dug for crabapple trees in front of 294 and 296 High St. |
Getting trees planted in concrete and brick sidewalks to meet all the demands has been a huge challenge for the DPS and Tree Commission this year. |
Two sergeant cherries now frame 278 High St. |
A flowering cherry tree will be planted in the sidewalk opening. |